About Treevaluation

We are a carbon insetting expert with focus on regenerative agriculture and community development in and around smallholder agricultural supply chains and landscapes. 

Our mission is to support companies in decarbonising their business models by restoring or protecting 50 million hectares of land and impacting the lives of 50 million people in and around agricultural supply chains. That is 10% of smallholder farmers globally – because the world needs a speedy cohort of regeneration adopters.

Smallholder farming landscapes matter

Global supply chains are only as resilient as the 600 million smallholder farmers who operate within them. Despite playing a critical role in the success of corporate value chains and global food supplies, smallholder farmers are also the most exposed to the natural hazards of a warming world.  At the same time, many live below the global poverty line.

Smallholder farmers are stewards of land, soil, forests and waterways. They are responsible for growing over 30% of global food supplies and farm on approximately 24% of the global agricultural land. 

Farming communities have a momentous potential to contribute to decarbonisation of agricultural value chains, conservation and restoration of biodiversity and other ecosystem services, as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Our approach

We urgently need to regenerate planetary health. It means taking decisive integrated action toward community and nature resilience. All our programs and projects, therefore, consider the following aspects:

Regenerative farming

Regenerative farming

Supporting climate resilience, carbon farming, security of commodity supply as well as farmer food security

Resilient communities<br />

Resilient communities

Strengthening local institutions and governance, providing water, energy, education, or health infrastructure

Local leadership

Local leadership

Increasing especially women´s empowerment and entrepreneurship

Decent livelihoods

Decent livelihoods

Covering basic needs and wellbeing, supporting an existence worthy of human dignity

Restoring and protecting nature

Restoring and protecting nature

Preserving forests and ecosystems, restoring degraded areas, creating carbon removals and boosting biodiversity

Lasting partnerships

Lasting partnerships

Building trust and long-term relationships with communities and other stakeholders

What makes us different

    Treevaluation stands for integrity – we are honest, transparent, and accountable in all our actions and relationships. We believe that to achieve our mission we need collective action and collaboration; therefore we work closely with local communities, partners, and stakeholders.

    We treat all individuals, communities, and natural systems with respect, empathy, and humility. We embrace new ideas, creativity, and experimentation to drive positive change. We are proactive in seeking out new opportunities to make an impact.

    Practical action

    We strive for a rapid deployment of solutions on the ground.

    Radical listening

    We pride in listening to clients and communities. Learn more about the radical listening approach at our partners Health in Harmony website.


    No BS

    The world and society needs credible integrated action to drive impact that lasts. 

    Measurable impact

     We do not work with Theories of Change. We listen to our stakeholders and measure what they need us to. We strive to eliminate bias as rigorously as possible.


    We strive to apply the best available expertise to deliver our services. We blend our know-how in agricultural practices, sourcing, community development and carbon accounting.


    Our challenges require a non-linear approach. We love to roll up our sleeves.

    Our Leadership Team

    • Suzanne Justine Brou

      Female Entrepreneurship Lead

    • Harald Pilz

      Carbon Accounting Expert

    • Nikol Ostianova

      Development Lead

    • Rodrigue Pohe

      Community Engagement Lead

    • Margreet Groot

      Women's Empowerment Expert

    • Wen E Chin

      Innovative Finance Expert

    • Sara O. I. Ramirez Gomez

      Community Land & Resources Mgmt. Expert

    • Aisha Schnellmann

      Communications Expert

    • Aikins Nyamekye

      Conventional / Dynamic Agroforestry Expert

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    Suzanne Justine Brou

    Female Entrepreneurship Lead

    Harald Pilz

    Carbon Accounting Expert

    Nikol Ostianova

    Development Lead

    Nikol specialises in transformation of agricultural value chains. She is a field-experienced practical action strategist developing and implementing agroforestry programmes with tailored monitoring, reporting and verification systems for carbon finance. She has a strong passion for building networks and ecosystems to achieve speed, scale and quality for deploying regenerative solutions.

    Rodrigue Pohe

    Community Engagement Lead

    Margreet Groot

    Women's Empowerment Expert

    Margreet has more than 15 years’ experience working with public and private sector organisations, primarily in smallholder agriculture value chains, to develop, implement and communicate corporate sustainability initiatives. She specialises in community development, women’s empowerment and climate change.

    Wen E Chin

    Innovative Finance Expert

    Wen has

    Sara O. I. Ramirez Gomez

    Community Land & Resources Mgmt. Expert

    Aisha Schnellmann

    Communications Expert

    Aikins Nyamekye

    Conventional / Dynamic Agroforestry Expert

    Aikins is an agroforestry expert with afocus on cocoa farming. In addition, he has a strong track record in managing projects with a focus on Climate Smart Agriculture, Sustainable Land Use, Sustainable Environmental Management and Regenerative Agriculture.

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    Technical Partners

    • Geza Toth, Ph.D.

      Carbon Flux Monitoring - CarbonSpaceTech

    • Heinz Nusser

      Scope 1&2 Decarbonisation - Decision Advisory Group

    • Michael Breetzke

      Forest & Carbon Monitoring - Swift Geospatial

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    Geza Toth, Ph.D.

    Carbon Flux Monitoring - CarbonSpaceTech

    Geza is the CEO at CarbonSpaceTech. The company specialises in providing fully remote solution for agricultural supply chain carbon footprint and carbon exchange monitoring.

    Heinz Nusser

    Scope 1&2 Decarbonisation - Decision Advisory Group

    Heinz is the Co-Founder and Partner at Decision Advisory Group. The company specialises in development of decarbonisation business cases and roadmaps for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Heinz has decades of experience in initiating and managing large-scale projects in various industries. He ensures that decisions are followed up with stellar portfolio and implementation planning. He also thrives in facilitating controversial stakeholder interests into (agile) decision-making processes.

    Michael Breetzke

    Forest & Carbon Monitoring - Swift Geospatial

    Michael is the Co-Founder and Director at Swift Geospatial. He has over 10 years’ experience within the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), of which seven years within the Aerial Survey / Remote Sensing Industry. His extensive knowledge in Aerial Survey and Remote Sensing procedures and processing has enriched Swift Geospatial’s offerings, to not only capture the area of interest but also provide for its processing / interpretation.

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