Press Release: Treevaluation – New regeneration-focused company aims to redefine climate-resilient value chains in African agricultural landscapes

May 2023

New regeneration-focused company aims to redefine climate-resilient value chains in African agricultural landscapes

Treevaluation launches to protect and restore 50 million hectares of land and positively impact 50 million lives in African smallholder farming communities by 2040

Vienna, Austria, 17 May, 2023 – Officially launched today, Treevaluation – a regeneration and community-focused supply chain expert – aims to deliver measurable environmental and social outcomes in agricultural landscapes across Africa.

“Our global supply chains are only as resilient as the 600 million smallholder farmers who operate within them,“ says Nikol Ostianova, Founder and Development Lead of Treevaluation. “Despite playing a critical role in the success of corporate value chains and global food supplies, smallholder farmers are the most exposed to natural hazards – many of them also live below the global poverty line.”

Treevaluation aspires to be a leading player in the global drive to restore natural ecosystems and build the resilience of smallholder farmers with their signature, community-led planetary health approach: Tre evaluation’s consulting unit is specialised in developing transitional programmes and roadmaps that restore damaged or degraded ecosystems within corporate sourcing landscapes in Africa, and strengthen the ability of local communities to be active agents of change. Treevaluation provides its clients with community led transitional program design, strategic implementation roadmaps and monitoring & verification advisory. At the same time, Treevaluation’s community programme unit aspires to be a project developer directly – the unit will implement solutions with smallholder farming communities.

Operating at the intersection of corporate value chains and local communities, Treevaluation is able to provide businesses and investors with impactful solutions that help de-risk their supply chains, and sound advice to effectively manage reputational and regulatory risks associated with value chains. Treevaluation strives to translate commitments into real, measurable and credible impact.

“We want to positively impact the lives of 50 million people in smallholder farming communities by 2040 – that’s 10% of all smallholder farmers worldwide,” says Rodrigue Pohe, Community Engagement lead in Abidjan, Côte d`Ivoire. “But we can only achieve this by ensuring that local communities are active agents of change, and by working on their terms. At Treevaluation, we prioritise deep listening, and do our best to always practise this skill when delivering our services for and with smallholder communities.”

Through Treevaluation’s work, smallholder farmers in Africa will benefit from access to infrastructure across health, energy, and education, among others. Equally, smallholder farmers will be able to tap into resources which will allow them to adopt regenerative agricultural practices and restore natural ecosystems in agricultural landscapes. These together will improve overall community health, help lower the cost of living and therefore allow farmers to invest in farms, and, importantly, increase farmers’ disposable incomes.

Treevaluation’s launch comes as companies and investors recognize the need to future-proof themselves in a world that faces unprecedented and intertwined environmental and social crises, including climate change, biodiversity loss, and growing social inequality. With corporate supply chain upheavals showing little signs of abating, Treevaluation’s services will be critical in helping companies translate their climate and resilience goals into action and lasting impact.


Media contact
Nikol Ostianova, Founder and Development Lead at Treevaluation
About Treevaluation

Treevaluation is a regeneration and community-focused supply chain expert that aims to redefine climate-resilient value chains in African agricultural landscapes. By applying their signature, community-led planetary health approach, Treevaluation is on a mission to protect and restore 50 million hectares of land and positively impact 50 million lives in African smallholder farming communities by 2040.

For more information and partnership inquiries, visit the Treevaluation website at
